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A Heroic Journey

Grow through Self-Discovery  


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My-Quest is a at-your-own-pace E-Quest that gives you the heroic journey you've been longing for. It's perfect for men and women who know they are meant for MORE. More adventure...more depth...more connections...more purpose. 


Embrace the stages of your journey, meet the characters who show up along the way, and pack your bag with all the best tools for the road! 

Why Join My-Quest?

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? 


"I know there is more to life than work, but I am too busy/tired/overwhelmed to search for it..."


"Sometimes I know I am on the right path, but other times I feel so lost I don't know where to begin!" 


"This can't be it. There has to be something more meaningful, but I am unsure where it is..."

busy office

You are more than a master of spreadsheets, or manager of children, or keeper of accounts (and you know it, don’t you?).


You are the Hero of your epic, mythical story... and it's time to start to living that way!


You have had glimpses of your heroic greatness before. Perhaps it was when you began your business, had your first hard day as a parent, or battled “dragons” of doubt and fear, you stepped out of your ordinary world, and successfully explored (and maybe conquered) another.


Regardless of how "normal" your life may seem, your personal journey is actually as rich as any mythic novel or film... so let's explore it!​

Who would enjoy My-Quest?

You will know My-Quest is right for you if you:

  • Have a yearning for something more in life…It doesn't have to be a job, but perhaps you crave something deeper like connection, meaning, or wholeness


  • Know it's time to live with more passion and purpose… You may already have a passion you want to share and don't know how, or perhaps you desire living a more purpose-filled life


  • Want to feel confident you are on the 'right' path… Learn how you can fully lean into your own story and trust your inner-guidance with 100% confidence 


  • Need some support to get back 'on track'… If you feel you have been led astray by trying to follow someone else's path, regain your footing on the path meant for you

You are the HERO

 of your journey..

What is My-Quest?

My-Quest is an at-your-own-pace E-Quest for men and women that will completely re-frame your perspective on your life-story. No longer will it feel like a mundane, habitual existence, but instead an epic, meaningful Quest – one rich with allies, mentors, villains, and even dragons (all worthy of a Game of Thrones episode!).



We will explore a framework based on the Hero’s Journey and learn how your unique experience closely mirrors the universal mythic framework. Go deeply into each stage of the journey; learn the Growth opportunities and common pitfalls; the characters who join you; and tools for your backpack. 



How does this propel you toward greatness? Because the heroic version of you is wiser, stronger, and braver...and honestly a bit bored with your normal "status quo" life. It's the part of you that has been whispering "You know there is more to life than this...right?" and you have been ignoring it!



My-Quest helps you finally answer that whisper to adventure, embark on a path of transformation, reconnect with your heart and soul, and share the wisdom of your journey with others. If you have read this far, chances are you are one of the lucky ones who DOES NOT want what Thoreau called, "lives of quiet desperation". You already know you are meant for more...but how? 

You may have watched a film or series and resonated with the characters who have dared to be different, chosen the challenge, redeemed themselves, and shared their wisdom…only to realise:

“That could be ME”.  


And it can...

How will My-Quest benefit me?

This E-Quest was designed to remove any perceived obstacles you have around journey-work. 


My-Quest will also offer you:

  • Insight, Meaning and Courage... Learn how to navigate your path confidently, give more purpose to your current life, and gather courage to live the future life you want 


  • Healing, Insight and New Perspectives... Recognize the challenging circumstances and characters in your life as Growth opportunities and embrace the healthy gratitude they bring


  • Focused support through personal coaching sessions… Indulge in the one-on-one attention of a Growth Coach whose expertise is guiding and supporting you through transformation 


  • ​Fun! Growth doesn't have to hurt, enjoy the process through Growth-Play Activities… This is a holistic journey experienced through your mind, body, and soul. Play makes it even more fun. 



The Epic Details


My-Quest Includes:


  • 6 My-Quest Guides to orient you on your path

  • 40 video Guides you can watch anytime 

  • 1 one-on-one coaching session (75 min)

  • BONUS 1 month unlimited email access

  • BONUS Access to the inspirational film "Finding Joe"

20% off!

Your Investment

This E-Course costs TOTAL: $250 USD (normally) 20% off SALE: $200 USD

 [~1550 HKD ] [~160 GBP] [~185 EUR] [~280 CAD] [~315 AUD] 

My-Quest Guides


Guide 1: Grab your map!

Introduction to the Hero and Heroine's Journey, and the GrowthQuests "Quest Map"


Guide 2: Orient your compass! 

Learn the difference between how your journey manifests on the horizontal dimension (day-to-day), and the vertical dimension (time-less, space-less inner-world)


Guide 3: Explore the stages on your path

Go deep into how each stage of the journey manifests on both dimensions and identify which stages you are in for each aspect of your life 


Guide 4: Common pitfalls and Growth opportunities 

Find out where you are most likely to get stuck in "loops" along the way, and how to take more Growth opportunities hidden within the stages 


Guide 5: The characters you meet 

Meet the characters you are most likely to share your journey with and learn how to view the most challenging people from the perspective of Growth


Guide 6: Pack your bag

Identify tools you already have for your journey,and learn ways to re-frame your current perspective to get new ones that will help you in the future 


Compass on map

What do former My-Questers say?


"I appreciated the support of a coach as part of the at-your-own-pace course so I could bounce ideas off her as I went"


"I learned more than I expected--about the world, myself, and others. It was a very enlightening experience"


"What surprised me the most was how much fun it was! I thought it might feel like work, but I loved my Growth-play!" 

A Gift to Myself

"After each guide, I felt like I had given a special gift to myself that will last longer than anything else" 

Who is your Guide?

Your Guide:


Dr. Katie T. Larson , PhD is a Growth Coach and founder of GrowthQuests. She is one of these people who is fascinated by life journeys and asks you a million questions about yours when you meet her!


But because of this, she has devoted her life to understanding how the human story unfolds in all of us. She fell in love with the universal framework of the Hero’s Journey almost ten years ago, and has made it her mission to share it with her clients in a modern, practical way.


Using her expertise on how men and women grow and transform, she creates interactive Quests for individuals and groups all around the world.  These Quests are holistically designed to bring about empowering growth that benefits individuals and ultimately the families and communities they belong to.


How do I sign up?

Press this magic button and it will open an email request form to begin your journey...

Your Investment

This E-Course costs TOTAL: $250 USD (normally) 20% off SALE: $200 USD

 [~1550 HKD ] [~160 GBP] [~185 EUR] [~280 CAD] [~315 AUD] 

GrowthQuests is currently based in St. Petersburg, FL USA, but is available for local and global clients and workshops.  


Contact us at:

Thanks for reaching out! Dr. Larson will be in touch soon!

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