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Five Love Languages Workshop
with Dr. Katie T. Larson, PhD
Wednesday, March 9: 6pm-8pm 

"Love others as yourself" only works if you speak the same love language! 

We all want our children to feel loved... 


But we may be accidentally loving them the way WE want to feel love, not how THEY want to feel it.


Learning and speaking one another's "love languages" allows you to build authentic relationships where each person can feel seen, valued, and appreciated... and the younger you learn the better! 


Dr. Gary Chapman's "5 Love Languages" have transformed countless lives and the earlier our families know the way we enjoy giving and receiving love, the easier it becomes to enjoy the love we all deserve!



Let's explore: 

How to determine your and your child's main love languages
Creative, accessible at-home activities that reach all love languages 
Additional resources that will inspire even more exploration 

... to share even more LOVE in your family

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We'll Learn: 

If it's possible to give someone the perfect gift
When a hug is more than a hug
If sitting quietly near one another is enough for some
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How helping in the kitchen keeps some hearts full
Why love letters work better for some more than others

About your Instructor
(and why she LOVES the 5 Love Languages)

Dr. Katie T. Larson is a personal Growth Coach who works with Highly Sensitive People


She has over 20 years global experience as an educator, consultant, and coach where she has helped thousands of children and adults transform their lives. Her primary love language is 'Words of Affirmation' and she is a CDP mom to an active 4 year old whose love language is 'Quality Time' (which means she has to try really hard to show love differently than she wants to be loved!).


After discovering Dr. Gary Chapman's work over fifteen years ago, ALL of her relationships were positively influenced. Most of her adult coaching clients have exclaimed, "I wish I knew about this earlier!" when introduced to the 5 Love Languages. She's confident that sharing these simple, yet life-changing practices to families when children are young can shape them for years to come. 


She wants EVERYONE to access as much love as possible.  

Five Love Languages Workshop
with Dr. Katie T. Larson, PhD
Wednesday, March 9: 6pm-8pm 

Reserve your space
Sign up to attend HERE.
(Feel free to invite non-CDP parents as well!)
We ask that each family attending
pay any amount donation to CDP's Venmo

All Proceeds will be donated to Casa de Paz. 

Any other questions?


Email Dr. Katie at: 


GrowthQuests is currently based in St. Petersburg, FL USA, but is available for local and global clients and workshops.  


Contact us at:

Thanks for reaching out! Dr. Larson will be in touch soon!

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